What We Believe

Our mission is to do our part to nurture followers of
Jesus who love God, love people and make a difference in the world.



At NewHaven Church we Value:


The Bible

We believe the Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that it has supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. The standard by which the Bible is to be interpreted is Jesus Christ. Jesus is our model for how to live in this world. Our teaching focuses on the non-debatable principles of scripture while leaving freedom for personal convictions related to non-essential doctrinal issues. Our highest desire is to live in light of Biblical principle while remaining culturally relevant to our community.



One of the first verses many believers learn is John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” If God loves the world that much, so should we. At NewHaven we are committed to sharing the Good News of salvation through belief in the risen Christ who died for us and loving people regardless of ethnic background, economic position, political affiliation, past failures or current successes.



Galatians 3:28-29 tells us, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” We believe this passage speaks a truth that gladly embraces men and women as equal in the eyes of God and therefore equally qualified for congregational leadership as both members and ministers.


Shared Ministry

It is a mistake to think that work of the church should be done only by the pastor or staff. Following Jesus in ministry is a job for all of us. We believe that to know and follow Jesus requires active participation in the life of the church. NewHaven members help plan and lead worship, host and teach Bible studies as well as discover and promote mission opportunities. There is a place for everyone to be involved!